Atyeh Pharmed Pasargad incorporated in Tehran in 2013 on the basis of knowledge and potentials of specialized and skilled individuals acting in different fields of pharmaceutical, food, beverage and cosmetics industry.
Emphasizing on potentials, experiences and knowledge of its members and believing in group working and correct understanding of the market condition and evolutions in the industry, the organization tries to supply different level of products and services compared to its competitors.
Below is a brief summary of the company activities:
Book and import new pharmaceutical products based on state of the art and most updated technology, using powerful connections with scientific authorities and bodies, premier pharmaceutical companies and factories
Producing pharmaceutical products locally and internationally, considering the country demand in the field of health and treatment and exhaustive study of the industry players
Transfer of knowledge and technology and producing different pharmaceutical products and byproducts, customization of the industry in order to improve health and treatment thoroughly and regionally
Import over the counter and specific drugs through reliable and well-known sources through legal routes
Book and import different cosmetics through connections with reliable and well-known companies and sources
Supply products and services including:
Book, import and transfer technical know-how for manufacturing different foods, beverages, food and sport supplements
Import different medical and hospital equipments and devices required by therapeutic centers 



We are ready to cooperate in different fields with international companies interested to Iran Market